Jan. 23
I suppose it's normal for transitional periods, such as year shifts, to smell of hope, but I have the feeling that this year the urgency for change has swelled. Politically, financially, culturally, emotionally, spiritually, naturally... Collectively and individually: Transformation.
Yesterday, as the day faded, in consciously ceremonial meditation, I reflected on transformation. On death and birth. On renewal. On life's magic. On how 23 wants to be a magical year for magical things. And then, out of nowhere, an image popped up: Michael Jordan flying towards the hoop with that 'Don't you dare tell me it can't be done!' look on his eyes. Michael Jordan's 23, staring right at me simultaneously. And it hit me: this might be one of the numbers with deeper unconscious symbolic meaning in modern history. The number of making the impossible possible, the number of winning on the last second, the number of the human that finally made the world understand that skin color doesn't matter, the number of (maybe) the greatest athlete in history, but (surely) the first one to become a world wide pop culture icon.
And with him, the number 23, embedded on his t-shirt, and in the collective consciousness as the number of actual human flight.
The odds don't look too good for this year, I must admit, globally that seems the sad truth, maybe personally it is so for you too, I don't know. Our challenges are powerful, stakes really high. But if we look well, there is so much help around us, life is miraculous, and the potential of the human spirit endless, we just need to syntonize with it whole heartedly.
So... if it feels hard today, as part of your practice, play a highlight reel of Michael's best, sometimes almost impossible, moves and dunks and feel your blood boil and bubble while 23 flies!
Happy New Year!
When you lied to me as friend, you taught me how it feels to forgive. When you kept me too long under water as ocean, you reminded me of how amazing it is to breathe. When you had one of my friends crash his car as accident, you taught me awareness... and that there are no accidents. When you took another friend as cancer, you explained me how impermanence is the heartbeat of love. When you turned me and my brothers and sisters into second class citizens for not complying with your blackmail and extortion as corrupt power, you reinforced our desire to stand free and by eachother. When you injured my back and gave me wrinkles and pain as time and age, you made me humble, ever more so every new day.
There haven't been many, i have been so very lucky, but every single time you hurt me, in any of the myriad shapes you take, not only you showed me something i needed to know and feel and learn but also gave me the chance, the means, the people, the resources, the teachings and the strength to do so. And i have hurt you in these, and many other ways, a million times a million times more. And you forgave each of them and gave and keep giving me as many chances to try again as i will ever need.
And then... oh you're so beautiful! So drenched in wonder and love! Every single time we meet, which is for the duration of eternity and the neverness of now, you give me the chance to rediscover and fall in love with you all over again. In holy, eternal impermanence, you make sure that we keep meeting now, so that we know and love one another so wholemensely, that we remember we are each other.
You love me love you.
I love you love me.
Thank you so much, love.
Good versus Evil is the perennial story of a species that loves to tell stories. Servants of Good have always been the great majority of us, but unable to agree on what Good is, even with ourselves, at the end of countless failed debates, we go to war against each other. Unfortunately, we don't need servants of Evil to bring about war, division and suffering: a distracted mind filled with good intentions, but addicted to take one side and negate the other, addicted to fundamentalistic polarity within a polar reality, does that job just fine.
The way to hell is paved with good intentions. How true that is.
At this point in human history, our evolution, our survival even, require an actual mutation of the mind. A conscious one, the birth of baby mind that says thanks to her parent, moves on and sets herself free from past addictions. This imperfect toddler still sees life as a contrasting dance of alternatives, how else is she gonna experience it, but does not reject nor feels hostility for the unchosen polarity, does not fear what she doesn't know, does not feel the certainty of truth within choices, for she's aware that truth lies beyond choices, in the juggling of the fragile but precious equilibrium of life's yin and yang.
This mind is free and independent, not always, of course, but takes responsibility courageously.
This mind is tolerant and loving, not entirely, of course, but seeks empathy tirelessly.
This mind meditates, not perfectly, of course, but gardens herself peacefully.
It's time to blossom.
forcefully interested in this ‘humansphere’ of ours, in the future of our civilation, where we are at, where we are going, in the quality, or lack of, of our intentions and decision making proccesses. The chronic tension and absence of resolution between long and short term objectives, between collective and individual consiousness and between our spiritual and materialistic aspirations, has been irreversibly brought to the footsteps of every household in the planet. And even the most detached hedonistic ones of us can't help but wonder now: how long will this last?
We humans, a highly social species with a hyperactive imagination, have encountered challenges on Planet Earth before, and when not, we've managed very well to search for them. Some of them we solved (we're also magnificent, let's not forget that) some we didn't, and new ones keep popping up, that's the nature of our life. But if the last couple of years have taught us something, is that our increasingly complex human civilization is reaching a very narrow bottle neck: the magnitude of our current puzzles, within the framework of highly developed technologies and greed/profit/competition based social, economic and information structures, paired with the incessant devastation of our natural resources, is taking us rapidly to the edge of the cliff. Or at least, of 'a' cliff. Not to admit to this is a futile exercise in comfort blindness, like someone falling off the top of a building, and saying on his way down: 'so far, so good'.
What can we do? I ask myself this question daily, and i daily fail to come with an answer. We've gone so far, we're so confused, so lost, so polarized... I know it is very unsexy to say 'i don't know' in a world where most seem to be certain but that is my truth: i don't know. As a man, a father, a husband, a teacher, or simply as a fellow human, i often wished i had an answer, some answer, but i don't, and for that sometimes... i feel sorry... sometimes guilty. I have however, learned a few things through life, really simple, basic truths, wheels on which my wagon of uncertainty rolls, and they seem to be more important now than they have ever been, so I'll keep rolling on them:
Love. Without love, tolerance, compassion, without the conscious desire to move towards who and what i do not understand or agree with, and befriend it, things fall apart. Our world falls apart. We fall apart. Love is a must.
Freedom. Without the ability to make our own choices, speak our minds, without nurturing the kindness to be spacious enough to let others be free... we grow miserable. For a bit we might feel safe, comfortable in an illusion of controlled security, but the human spirit is born free, and we will never feel whole, if deprived of that freedom. It simply is so. Freedom too is a must.
And wisdom. If we do not know ourselves, our choices, our motivations, the way our minds and bodies work... if we don't explore our true intentions and heal our pains and traumas, we're just drowning in a pool of good intentions, really. We'll say 'i love you' when we mean 'i want you to satisfy me', we'll say 'i care for you' when all i care is to control you, be right and protect myself from my own pain, the one i refuse to look at. And eventually all that is not true, will also fall apart, because it simply doesn't exist. 'An unexamined life is not worth living', Socrates said. Maybe a bit much, but it certainly is way less fulfilling than what it can be. And collectively, it leads to injustice and conflict, 100% of the time.
So, forgive me if I'm blunt, but i cannot see sustainable happiness on Earth without love, freedom and the cultivation of wisdom. And... that's all i know. I wished it was more, I do, but I'll have to make do with this little. I will keep loving, I'll stay free, I'll respect your freedom and i will go on enquiring on myself and life, through all the tools at my disposition and above all, through meditation, which I'll continue to teach whole heartedly to anyone who asks. I will certainly not deny respect nor kindness to anyone because i disagree with them, nor segregate, isolate, or discriminate anyone because their way to live is different than mine.
Today, more than ever:
May all beings be happy.
May you, my friend, be happy.
With nothing to oppose,
Relaxed, humble, but tall.
An ever charging battery,
A vertical dramedy,
Sky above,
Earth below.
Smile, silent but deep,
To the core of every bone.
No fear, no tears,
Or all fear and raining tears,
Simply give yourself,
Fully, sincere.
One day you'll disappear,
Your body, your mind, will end,
But today, you're here
And your love is endless.
Left Brain went: 'ohh, jeez... every day something new... something more, something bad, something worse... pfff...'
Right Brain said: 'ohh, well... people... fear... we're so addicted to it, always a new reason for fear, more and more fear, we'll be fine...'
Mid Brain reflected: 'ohh, maybe, we'll see... how can one know? how can one predict such things? all things? should we prepare ourselves against all evil, get ready to survive at all costs, including the complete loss of innocence? or do we relax in the now but risk being unprepared for future struggles? where lies the balance between presence and blindness, between critical thinking and paranoia, between love for life and fear of death?'
At the end of the read, Lizard Brain noticed: 'article was writen by a solar panel company... just saying!'
And then Buddha Brain called them on: 'guys, nothing's written, it's all what you make of it... we talked about this: you are writting it all as you go, every second, every day, always... you write your future with your nows.'
And he showed them this drawing. I smiled. Maybe not as wide as this monk. But it was a smile. A unified smile.
Or had to really invest time and effort to do so? That were secret, or hidden, or mysterious, a time of Yellow Pages, of Lonely Planet guide books, of word of mouth, of gathering clues and follow the rumor, a time before internet and Google Maps. In particular, for those spiritual seekers who were once searching for a Teacher, as naive as that image might be, remember the (maybe infantile) thrill of asking around to find that authentic truth sharing nomadic sadhu in that cave or river bank, or that temple, or that remote little village that didn't even show in the map?
Well, i just met one of those.
A true dharma teacher without school nor students nor website nor business nor... phone! Nor intention to have neither one of those things. A Slam Poet Truth Teacher. I knew him already as he is an itinerant presence in the contact improvisation group i jam with every once in a while, down here in the European hippie hoods. We had beautiful chemistry together, not only because he was an original dancer who moved as if he was re-discovering movement itself every single jam, never twice quite the same, nor because he is weird as fuck in his functional social autism, so that i can share the 'most weird person in the room' medal with some else for a change, but because he was always never-not-himself. Wether shy or shiny or insecure or quiet or extravagant or engaged or uncomfortable or just silently contemplating, HapoL is HapoL and nothing else. My kind of man.
We're both very quiet in these contact improv jams, we stretch, meditate, observe, dance and leave. We come in quietly from the night shadows and return to them swiftly, before anyone realises our absence, so we barely exchanged a few words during the months he was here. Last summer, the day he left for Germany to be with the woman he loves, after we kissed, on the lips of course, we said to each other:
- You know what, i think we could be real friends if we'd had more time.
- I was about to say that, i feel it too.
- Be well, my friend.
- You too, we meet again.
And that was that, he left, as much a question mark as when he was here. In fact i later realised that besides what i just told you, i knew only three things about HapoL: that he looks like a tall skinny scruffy beardy prince, reluctant to bear his royal blood, but unable not to do so, like the pretty girl in the movies who wears glasses to hide her beauty... duh... that he writes poetry and that he is an origami artist. No, not the kind that makes an airplane or a crappy flower on children parties, no, a proper origami artist, who makes detailed one of a kind self designed pieces of origami art. That was all i knew from him.
Time does its things... and HapoL came back down to Portugal again for a visit, now in the end of August. Shall we meet? Yes of course, one of these days... but unfortunately he caught me right in the middle of the retreat season, when i am hyper-focused on work alone and use every single free second to ground and heal myself alone, as i really don't know any other way to do my job without breaking: i give myself fully, then repair myself fully in the few free hours i get, don't have time for anything or anyone else during peak season. So weeks passed and all of a sudden i hear HapoL is leaving and I'm like, fuck, what a pity! And although i did get a little angry with myself for not having found a little bit of extra time here or there, that was the truth of things, opportunity lost. Shame. Except... almost.
Just before he left, with the birthday of a mutual friend as an excuse, HapoL was going to recite his poetry. And that, i was not going to miss. And that, i am so happy i didn't miss, because that, was something else. As the happy birthday songs and wishes and hugs and socialising bits came to a first round pause, we gathered around His Weirdness for a poetry recital, all squeezed into this small magical room of tolerant diversity where the jams take place. He said it was hot. He said please be quiet cause i need to focus. He said the energy is better that way, please sit in that direction. He said hope you enjoy. He said i need a little quiet time, he took it. He said a little more, he took it too. And then he said:
Things that are neither secret, nor hidden, nor mysterious, nor require the Yellow Pages, nor Lonely Planet guide books and much less internet or Google Maps. Things of love and loss that each one of us knows deep in our hearts but we have unfortunately forgotten. Words so true and bright and sharp and wonderfully beautiful and necessary to be heard, that rushed out his mouth like an ever changing cascade of colourful rotating verbal tetris blocks, origami shaped, contorting into their perfect creek on top of the previous one at a next-level-screen speed, with a meaning so powerful, so true, so now, that very much like in the arcade game, they erased all previous lines, leaving behind only the glow of their disappearance. And a state of awe, the one that arises from witnessing something so utterly unique and authentic that could never ever be replicated, that cannot be copied nor taught nor explained, that can only be experienced. An experience of presence through the love and intelligence that this poet prince delivers, so profound that it changes you, completely shifting your energy field into your own intelligence and love, and the one you share with all beings. I could say more, so much more. But i could never say enough, you simply had to be there. HapoL delivered a magical hour of timeless heart teachings with diamond cut word precision that left us all literally in love, of him, of us, of each other.
And then the birthday party resumed. He went back to weird in the sweetest of ways, humble, almost innocent, as if he didn't know what he had just done, or didn't care, or didn't matter... I gave him a big thanks and a bigger hug and i left to sit in love in the forest night. Some meals must be digested in solitude.
A couple of days later he departed for Germany again but before he did, he left via messenger this origami dragon for me. According to the messenger he had said: 'This is for igor. I see him as a dragon, one that carries deep darkness and delivers all the colours out of it'. Dragon cried a tear of gratitude and drew a smile of recognition, HapoL knows.
If he ever comes your way, don't hesitate, gather around him, open your ears and empty your mind and heart, they will be filled with a trillion tiny origami shaped drops of wisdom and love.
While traditionally translated as life is suffering, we prefer to think that he said something like this: there is pain in life my friends, great pain due to numerous reasons, this is an unavoidable fact. However, the way with which you are dealing with your pain is greatly unskillful and is creating more pain for you.
Yoga for us is a Life support system, a way of patiently un-filtering your perspective in order to be more present and unthreatened by the highs and lows of experience. It is probably during the lows, when you find yourself challenged, cornered by life, that you start to feel the need for a more intelligent and kinder way to relate to experience.
Suffering we can fix.
There is a different way to relate to life´s pain, a courageous, kind and mindful way. A way of living that if sustained when the pain ceases, offers the possibility of meeting your full human potential, of rediscovering your most cherished dreams and moving towards them with confidence. It offers you the possibility of rediscovering what being human means and facilitates the building of bridges between one another, the birth of compassionate relationships. This Way, the way of Love, the way of Wakefulness, the way of Wisdom, is a beautiful one, but it´s a hard one. It's not an easy road to change one's habits. More often than not you will find yourself repeating thoughts and actions that have been proved unsuccessful in the past, just out of the force of the momentum, or you solidify your position around an illusory sense of conclusion and lose the freshness of the beginner.
Therefore, we practice. We practice observing and loving our minds, our bodies and our hearts. We practice opening up to ourselves and opening ourselves to others with love and confidence.
To train in the intricate art of “spiritual warriorship”, we continue to explore the many branches of the tree of yoga. We keep a strong spiritual home in meditation, and explore the palette of the body in hatha yoga, always in a mindful marriage with the breath which takes centre stage in our practice. We approach relationships working with conversation, shiatsu massage and modern dance. We absorb wisdom from all sources possible making ours any practice that offers results towards cultivating the awakened quality in us.
The Shadow
One day, a few years back, i had just picked up iomi from school and we were driving home. She can't have been more that 6 or 7 years old, because she was still sitting in the back seat. She called me from there:
- Daddy, you know who you can never hide from?
- No baby, tell me.
- Yourself.
What we know at seven we know at seventy, we never forget the important things, we just pretend we do. We pretend we can hide from ourselves, in our clothes, in our phones, in a beer bottle, under our job description, within the digits of our bank accounts, behind the gates of our houses. Erase the uncomfortable half, the shadow. But we can't, we simply can't, as it's inevitably stuck to us. And by doing so, by pretending to be only the light half, we create human ecosystems of perpetual ambush, of pretending, pretentious, split personality half humans, who, unable to love themselves, are in return unable to love others. Judgemental, hypocritical human ecosystems, that satisfy no one as they continually force us to cut-copy-paste ourselves, to edit who we are, in a constant loop of insecurity.
Capitalism will want that you buy the other half, always in need. Comunism that you control, reject, abort anything that isn't approved. Religion that you guilt the shadow into disappearance. Technocracy that you pursue all that you won't allow yourself to be, as an avatar, an alter ego living your darker fantasies online. And so on and so on. No system based on the eradication of half of what we are, will ever feel satisfactory. We simply cannot be satisfied living in systems that require the chronic emptiness we feel by not being whole, in order to sustain their own existence. And so, insatisfaction based systems are destruction systems, extinction systems, wolves in lamb skins.
There's only one virus that threatens the survival of our species: the addiction to see life as a fight, as a survival of the fittest, as battle between opposites, between good and evil. The psychological addiction to feel that we must chose between this OR that, rather than embrace this AND that (for this IS that) is destroying us. The mind which created the problem won't be able to create the solution, so we must mutate this mind of separation into a mind of love in order to heal that virus. Only love can bridge the opposites into a harmonious, satisfactory and meaningful existence. Only love can heal the world.
If we really want to make a real change in this world, a real contribution, we must start by ourselves, by loving ourselves so radically tender, that loving others naturally follows, till we can eventually love not only that which we don't like or understand, but even that which we fear. This is i feel, our only chance, to love unconditionally.
A moment where you can reconnect, observe and honestly open your inner world for curious exploration.
It is a moment when you stop talking and start to listen. But how do you listen? Do you really listen when you think you already know the answer? Are you receptive when you are already expecting to be right, to find a conclusion? Openness is the fundamental quality that we cultivate through meditation. To be open and non-judgemental towards ourselves is essential if we want to be open and non-judgemental towards others. If we want to be filled with love and wisdom, we have to open the gates, so they can come in.
Breath & Body
In between there is nothing but the reverberation of the previous act, a pause. Understood like this, your breath contains the essence of your life, a beginning, an end and a space in between that you are free to fill with what inspires you, a path to be paved as you walk on it.
In Yoga you wake up to your breath, to the inhalation that will be your new source of inspiration, and what you fill this energy with, the feeling you imbue it with, will be that which creates you anew. You learn where your life is stuck as you learn where your breath is stuck. And as we are reborn to breathing we learn that the breath of patience, that calm and compassionate breath enables us to meet life honestly in a kind, non- threatening way. And then we exhale, we forgive ourselves and let go of that which no longer serves us, our judgments and sense of isolation. Patiently and persistently we rewire ourselves breath by breath by breath…
The positions you enter on your mat are not all that different from the position you hold in life. Motherhood, vice president, student. You feel yourself there and ask through your breath how you are relating to the position, in which way you feel yourself there. Some of us always clamour for more, we demand our own improvement and punish ourselves mentally and emotionally when our expectations are not met. Some of us feel so stuck in who we are, in the impossibility of our own perceived inability, that we close our eyes, hold our breath and pray for being released. The microcosmos of asana contains a possibility to know yourself more fully, more honestly, to surprise yourself on the mat, allowing your practice to stay new, fresh and close to your heart.
The Grains
Son gushes in a rush:
Let's run!
While father breathes hard:
I can't run that fast!
But grandfather sits calm:
The tea cup feels warm in his hand.
Life is only a dance,
This too shall pass.
A young beauty in the mirror
Demands, impatient:
Shine girl, shine!
And a few years later:
Impatiently, covers those thin early lines.
But later on, when beauty is full of wrinkles,
She'll smile wise,
Each one of them was a day alive.
Birth is joy
And pain.
Life is risk
And play.
Death is a mother fucking bitch
But also a joyful day.
A new journey somewhere begins:
Somewhere someone screams, its a boy! (*)
Our stock:
Painful joy and joyous pain,
Just the grains
Of our sand clock.
One day it turns around,
We hug God
And off again we go!
(*) Or a girl of course!
True lies
Or have we gotten so accustomed to them that we don't see them anymore?
That when someone says: 'This is the best car in the market and it will make you happy', he only means 'I want you to buy this car'. That 'if you wear this perfume you will be irresistible to women and the most beautiful one will try to seduce you' only means 'i want you to buy this perfume'.
That when a politician says: 'If you vote for me I will fight for your well being' he's only saying: 'Vote for me, i want power!'. Or when they say: 'We go to war to protect the weak in that corrupt country' they're often just doing so in order to buy guns from their friends or steal the resources of such countries, corrupt themselves.
Or when a pharmaceutical company says: 'We care for your health', in actuality means the very opposite: 'We don't give a damn about you or your health, just buy my drug and make me richer than i already am, while you get hooked and dependent on my product'.
'My company produces green energy'.
'This policy is for the common good'.
'The goverment is elected by the people and serves the people'.
'My newspaper tells the truth and fact checkers are independent researchers'.
'The priest, the president, the guru are better than you'.
'The law is morally superior'.
'Money, sex, things will make us happy'.
'Your children learn how to be compasionate, creative humans in school'.
Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. So many lies... Lies that lead to the biggest one of them all:
'The social and economical architecture of this civilation: work, produce and entertain yourselves in an endless loop of progresive 'more-ness' that totally disregards the profoundly spiritual essence of life itself, is the only possible way for us to live on this planet, the only one that satisfies us. We are happy!'
I have often said jokingly: 'Man, whoever called these cookies "Digestive", what a genious!'. They lead you to 'Triumph' and make you 'Go!', and only cost 2.20 something, right? Oh, how we trick ourselves, don't we? If i remove the irony, I'd say instead that the psychological, social, political and economic justifications that encourage, sustain, justify and promote the endless cycle of lies that we are currently marinating in, are precisely what is bringing us to extinction. That the longer we say 'I love you' when what we are really trying to say is 'I want you to like me, love me and validate me because I neither know nor love myself', the longer we will perpetuate our chronic sense of emptiness, disatisfaction and greed.
I know it looks like living in truth isn't easy but that too is a lie. We're made of God fragments and Nature dust, and neither one of them know what a lie is. We're made of truth and that's why living in lie hurts so much and why only truth will set us free. And give us true happiness.
What is yoga?
- But... doesn't that... hurt?
Life is not but a game of pain,
It doesn't help
To look away.
And it hurts way more to not play.
- And yoga mends? Helps?
It won't stop the rain
Nor the sun's rays,
But with with every breath,
It gives shelter and shade.
- And... happiness?
Happiness, my friend,
Is to love every day
Even if not loved in return.
Happiness is just to be awake.
Creator, creation, observer, relation.
Past, present, future, eternity.
Perception, interpretation, evaluation, reaction.
Energy, time, space, matter.
Atoms, stars, creation, destruction.
Mind, consciousness, impermanence, emptiness.
Life is such a complex, multilayered experience, every moment holds so many secrets to be discovered. And simultaneously, in all its glorious nowness, each one of them simply collapses into 'this', into a breath, into a unicorn, a miracle, messenger of all the love that it took for it to come into existance, pregnant with all the love that appreciating it fully gives birth to.
May you have a miraculous Sunday, full of now. Full of love.
New to Yoga
If yoga is new to you, it can be quite confusing maybe even daunting. So we put together a crash course in this fine life art so that the words used in this website and other yoga pages feel more accessible and a little less intimidating.
Yoga is a way to live, a way to become aware of and understand our tendencies, mental physical and emotional. It is also a way to learn how to move ourselves in the direction we feel it is more useful to live by, towards a more peaceful, loving way of experiencing the ups and downs we meet on our life journey. It is a way towards self-discovery.
Yoga roots itself in the understanding that nothing IS by itself. It is a subject to how we view it. The Buddhist doctrine give it a useful descriptive name; emptiness. Meaning, everything is empty until you give it value. How we view it, which value we give it, depends mainly on how we were brought up. What, according to those influences dictates right and wrong, good and bad. This forms our conditioning, what we call our personality.
Now in our experiencing of reality, we develop strong likes and dislikes. Preferences that do not allow us to be happy unless we are surrounded by the conditions or circumstances we prefer. We become dependent on particular emotions and physical sensations. Although this is how most of us have accepted to go through life, it is only allowing us to enjoy life when circumstances are favourable according to our particular preferences, whenever things don’t happen according to our wishes, we suffer.
A large part of our yoga practice is training to not react so strongly to that discomfort, but to slowly and patiently learn how to stay awake in the midst of chaos without feeling a need to bail out. Then, as we move along with our yoga practice, we discover that deep inside we have a strong creative force. As we become more skilful, we find that there is a potential for union with that creative force, that we do not have to be slaves to our own habits, likes and dislikes, but we can actually steer ourselves and our lives towards balance, joy and happiness.
On a practical level the different practices of yoga provides us with the tools for our self- discovery and the uncovering of our creativity.
In awareness training, Meditation, we dig a little deeper, to see ourselves with more unbiased clarity and to better understand our own afflictions. We train to stay although our habitual pattern would be to escape from our difficulties.
Asana is posture or position. When we twist, cajole and bend our body into Asana we do so for a number of reasons. The feelings you experience are not new, it presents an array of physical sensations to old pattern of like and dislike. A very important aspect of our asana training is learning how to stay open, soft and tender when we feel cornered and emotions of old habits revisit us. Another benefit of asana is of course to promote a healthy body. We address, through the posture, areas in the body where there is stagnation of energy with the view to patiently open, release and heal old wounds and areas of constriction.
Breath practice:
The combination of the posture with a slow flowing skilful breath practice loosens up the tissue, favours circulation and vitalizes our physical health. The breath has a central and vital role in the yoga practice, it is the tool which we can use to regulate and tune our energy. There are breath exercises that wake you up, others that calm you down. The awareness and cultivation of skilful breathing is what makes yoga so wonderful in its simplicity and accessible to everyone regardless of where you come from